Thursday, June 30, 2011

gDiapers Little gPants Flushable Diaper (2 Pack) - Large

✓ Cheap gDiapers Little gPants Flushable Diaper (2 Pack) - Large Buy Now!

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Best gDiapers Little gPants Flushable Diaper (2 Pack) - Large Details

  • Target reserves the right to limit quantities per guest
  • Package Quantity: 2
  • Includes: Diaper Covers
  • Diaper Size: L
  • Diaper Weight Range: 26 to 36 lbs
  • Features: Biodegradable
  • Compatible With: gDiapers
  • Material: Cotton
  • Health Facts: Chlorine-Free, Latex-Free
  • Protective Qualities: Color Fast, Flame Resistant, Waterproof
  • Care and Cleaning: Machine Wash

Tutorial gDiapers Little gPants Flushable Diaper (2 Pack) - Large Description

Start up or stock up with gDiapers signature colors for playtime, naptime and snuggle time. The 2-pack is a great way to keep several pairs of gPants on hand for all life’s little occasions. Use little gPants with gRefills or gCloth. Flush wash or toss with the gDiapers landfill-free diaper system. Available in S, M, L. gDiapers little gPants are designed for use with absorbent, biodegradable gRefills or cloth inserts. gDiapers little gPants + biodegradable gRefill or cloth inserts = one cute bum. Finally, the best of cloth and disposable in one earth-friendly diaper. The gDiapers system consists of cotton, washable little gPants, and absorbent refills. Use with either 100% biodegradable gRefills, or washable cloth inserts. Sold separately. Size small fit babies 8 – 14 lbs, medium 13 -28 lbs, large 26-36 lbs. Made of breathable material, just like sports clothing: 92% cotton, 8% spandex. Each little gPant comes with one snap-in liner made of highly breathable, waterproof material for less washing, and faster and easier changes. Because they’re breathable, your baby is far less likely to get diaper rash. Easy fit is snug and soft. Your little bug will love the stretch around the waist and legs. Soft velcro tabs close around the back away from little hands for a great fit without the bulk. Little gPants come in loads of fab colors. Collect them all. 50 million disposable diapers enter the landfill every day. Each one takes up to 500 years to break down. gDiapers biodegradable refills are plastic-free so you can flush or compost (50-150 days) in your garden. No landfill necessary. No elemental chlorine, no perfumes, no latex and no guilt.

Spec gDiapers Little gPants Flushable Diaper (2 Pack) - Large Complete

A baby in disposable diapers puts an average of 6,000 diapers into the landfills by the time he or she is potty trained -- and those plastic-based diapers take about 500 years to decompose. What's an environmentally conscious parent to do? With gDiapers, you can have the convenience of disposable diapers and avoid doing damage to the planet. In fact, gDiapers even help the environment. Get started with this gDiapers Starter Kit which can be used on babies or toddler 26 to 36 pounds in weight.

gDiapers offer:
  • Flushable, decomposable diapers that offer an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional disposables
  • Breathable, non-plastic diapering system that keeps baby's skin healthier
  • Starter Kit that contains everything you need to begin using gDiapers
Flushable, Decomposable Diapers
The gDiaper consists of a machine-washable, reusable cotton "little g pant" and a snap-in, reusable waterproof liner, which contains the diaper refill. These refills are decomposable. Containing no plastic products, they're made from sustainably farmed wood fluff pulp, sodium polyacrylate (SAP), which provides absorbency, and cellulose rayon. And they can be flushed down the toilet, which has a couple of wonderful benefits. First, it eliminates the need to keep smelly diapers around in a diaper pail. Second, it keeps unnecessary waste out of the landfills. And finally, the entire contents of the diaper gets processed by sewage treatment plants, which return treated, completely sanitized solids to be converted into valuable fertilizer. It's recycling at its best!

If you're unable to flush the liners, they can still be thrown in the trash without guilt, since they will decompose in 50 to 150 days -- a much better turnaround than their plastic counterparts. And, if you're a gardener, you can simply throw the wet liners in your compost bin. (Note: for sanitary reasons, never put poopy diapers in the compost.)

As Easy As Traditional Disposables -- but Healthier
The "little g pant" itself sports an adorable style and trim silhouette, and it's available in several cool colors. With easy-to-use rear Velcro closures, the little g pant is just as easy to put on a baby as traditional disposable diapers -- no pins to deal with here. Plus, its breathable qualities help keep baby's skin healthier by minimizing diaper rash.

Get Started!
Everything you need to get started is included in the handy Starter Kit: two little g pants in trendy "Great Orange" and "Vanilla Bean" colors, suitable for boys or girls, each with two snap-in liners; 10 flushable diaper refills; a "swishstick" to aid with flushing; and a Handy User's Guide (H.U.G). The "Large" Starter Kit is for children 26 to 36 pounds in weight; small and medium sizes are available for babies and smaller children, so you can start with gDiapers in any stage of your child's pre-potty-training life.

Starter kits come in three sizes:
Tips for Successful gDiaper Use
Some plumbing systems may have problems with the flushable liners, including systems with tree-infested pipes; non-standard plumbing systems, including grinders or house traps; and septic tanks, which require close monitoring to make sure the outflow is clear. It is recommended that only poopy diapers be put into septic systems, and wet ones be composted.

But even if your plumbing system won't accept the gDiaper flushables, you can always simply throw them in the trash where they'll quickly decompose, making a much more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional disposable diapers.

Stock up on flushable diaper refills:
What's in the Box
Two pairs of large-sized ‘little g' pants (Great Orange and Genuine Vanilla Bean), 10 flushable diaper refills, swishstick, and Handy User's Guide (H.U.G.).

In Stock. at AmazonLow Price Buy it Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored : Jun 30, 2011 22:43:37 ***

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

To use Sprout Change

Sprout Change reusable nappies are the only size, reversible nappy system. Our patent pending system is easy to use, and is adaptive, true-fit diaper on the market. With Sprout Shells Change v2 you can adjust the sizing of the diaper in just a few seconds while wearing baby. And the right fit, first time, no guessing!

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Kindermishandeling: Is dit lei tot Bullying?

Kinders van beledigende huise kan inderdaad gaan om te boelie - teistering is 'n teken van mishandeling - maar nie al die mishandelde kinders word boelies en nie al die boelies kom van beledigende huise. Daar is ander faktore wat kan bepaal of 'n kind gaan op boelie:

- Die kind se temperament

- 'N gebrek aan toesig (NOTA: boelies vereis voortdurende toesig)

- Die sosiale klimaat by die skool

Op gemiddelde, kinders en jeug vir ongeveer 6 uur per dag in die skool. Dit is dieenigste plek wat kinders bymekaar gebring word in groot getalle vir 'n lang tyd op' n gereelde basis. Binne die gemeenskap van die skool, kinders en jeug probeer om in te pas, wat dikwels deur by in portuurgroep sirkels en druk. Hierdie samelewing binne 'n samelewing maak skole hoogs vatbaar vir afknouery.

Volgens die British Columbia Ministerie van Onderwys (2000), die meeste treitering gebeur in of naby die skool gebou. Sommige statistiek toon dat meer as 90% van bullebakkery plaasvindhetsy in die skool of op die skool se speelterrein.

Afknouery en teistering het histories en tradisioneel beskou deurgangsrites, iets wat al die kinders en jongmense moet deurgaan as deel van die grootword proses. Dit is 'n mite.

In die afgelope 20 jaar of so, het teistering en teistering ontvang internasionale aandag, deels te danke aan kinders en jongmense wat selfmoord pleeg as gevolg van 'n slagoffer van meedoënlose boelies en hul onvermoë om te cope. Daar wasgenoeg insidente "van kinders wat selfmoord pleeg as gevolg van voortdurende teistering wat 'n term is geskep vir dit: bullycide.

Kanada, in werklikheid, net die provinsie van British Columbia, die provinsie waarin ek woon, het sy deel van die internasionaal bekende boelies slagoffers:

November 2000, in die sending, British Columbia: Dawn Marie Wesley, 14 jaar oud, opgehang haarself in haar slaapkamer met haar hond se leiband. In haar selfmoordbrief gelos nie, sy naam 3 meisies by die skool wat gepynig word engedreig om haar.

Maart 2000, Surrey, British Columbia: Hamed Nastoh, 14 jaar oud, spring af van die Patullo brug nadat hy het 'n 5-bladsy selfmoord daarop dat gedetailleerde die meedoënlose boelie hy verduur.

November 1997, Victoria, British Columbia: was Rena Virk, 14 jaar oud, geboelie, aangeval en bewusteloos geslaan deur 7 dogters en 1 seun - al die skoolmaats - en dan wreed vermoor is. Wat was veral verrassende in hierdie geval was die feit dat honderde studente het geweetdie wrede en meedoënlose tart, en selfs van Rena se dood voordat iemand uiteindelik haar dood gerapporteer by die polisie aangemeld.

April 1997, Nanaimo, British Columbia: 'n Graad-4 student trek' n mes op 'n ander student wat hom tart. Hy was die hantering van lyding deur sy eweknieë as 'n jaar. Na die mes voorval nie, was die seun en sy gesin bestel 'n woede-bestuur kursus te neem. Die skool het geen onmiddellike optrede met die kinders wat hom geboelie.

Hoe algemeen isafknouery en teistering in Kanada?

1 in 5 kinders is geboelie, 1 in 12 jeugdiges is in die skool gereeld geteister deur ander studente (Gladue, 1999).

Risikofaktore vir boelies:

- Onderdanigheid

- Skaam, teruggetrokke, stil, sensitiewe

- Die jongste of kleinste

- 'N kind nie bereid om te veg

- 'N kind wat klere wat beskou word as mode dra

- 'N kind wat irriterende gedrag vertoon

- 'N kind wat emosies spreek vinnig

- Watdie nuwe kind op die blok

- 'N kind wat voorheen getraumatiseer

- Om ryk of arm

- 'N ander etnisiteit

- Geslag / seksuele oriëntasie gesien word as verdienstelike van minagting of minderwaardige

STAT: Volgens Egan (2000), 1 in 6 gay tieners is so erg aangerand tydens adolessensie dat hy mediese aandag verg.

- Godsdienstige oortuigings word beskou as verdienstelike van minagting of minderwaardige

- 'N kind wat helder, talentvolle, begaafde

- 'N kind wat nienie in ooreenstemming is met wat beskou word as die "norm"

- 'N kind wat ongewoon is vet, maer, kort, lank

STAT: Volgens Pepler en Craig (1997), jong meisies was meer bang vir vetsug as wat hulle was van die kern oorlog, kanker of verloor hul ouers.

- 'N kind wat draadjies of' n bril dra

- Het aknee of enige ander sigbare vel toestand

- Het 'n fisiese of ontwikkelings / geestelike gestremdheid

- Om net op die verkeerde plek op die verkeerde tyd

Enigeen kan word'n teiken vir boelies, en seuns en meisies is ewe waarskynlik slagoffers.

Daar is skool administrateurs wat glo dat die skool nie 'n boelie probleem. Dit is nog 'n mite. Alle skole het afknouery probleme. Miskien aanspreeklikheid kwessies ingaan in die mix, of miskien het hulle regtig nie glo dat die eis nie. Die volgende statistiek dispell wat beweer dat:

STAT: 'n internasionale studie gedoen vir Gesondheid Kanada in 1999 getoon dat 56% van seuns en 40% van die meisies in graad6 en 8 het geboelie iemand in daardie jaar.

STAT: In daardie selfde 1999 internasionale studie, 43% van seuns en 35% van die meisies het gesê hulle was geboelie in daardie jaar.

STAT: Volgens Pepler en Craig (2000), 71% van onderwysers het gesê dat hulle gewoonlik in te gryp in afknouery episodes, 25% van die studente het gesê onderwysers gryp.

Die laaste statistieke vertel ons dat onderwysers is nie bewus van hoeveel afknouery is aan die gang in skole. Indien onderwysers is nie bewus van die probleem, hulle is nie in'n posisie om in te gryp. Sonder ingryping, boelies sal nie ophou om hul geweldadige gedrag. Kaartjies ongemerk, soos die boelie ouer word, die boelie gedrag eskaleer tot teistering.

Vir meer inligting oor teistering, check out my artikel met die titel Bullying teen teistering.

Om op te som, kinders uit gewelddadige huise soms boelie gedrag toon. Hierdie kinders is óf slae uit, of hulle probeer om beheer van die mense om hulle te kry, want hulle het geen beheeranders. Maar kindermishandeling is nie die enigste regerende faktor hier. 'N Kind se ingesteldheid,' n gebrek aan toesig en leiding, en die skool omgewing speel ook 'n rol speel.

Ja, jy kan kindermishandeling lei tot boelies, maar boelies is nie altyd die gevolg van kindermishandeling.

HULPBRONNE: is 'n webwerf wat die besonderhede van die vier tipes van kindermishandeling (emosionele, fisiese, seksuele, en verwaarlosing); tekens, effekte en statistieke vir elk; seksuele mishandeling slagoffers,insluitend slagoffers met gestremdhede; seks oortreders, insluitende vroue, kinders, adolessente en Internet oortreders; wette kindermishandeling; intervensie; voorkoming; plus 'n forum om jou eie kind misbruik storie te skryf.


Artikel getiteld: Bullying teen Teistering

Darlene Barriere se op my eie terme, 'n Memoir,' n boek oor oorlewing van die gevolge van kindermishandeling, is noubeskikbaar is vir aflaai in PDF e-boek formaat by

Jy het toestemming om hierdie artikel te elektronies of in gedrukte publiseer, gratis, so lank as wat almal bylines en leef hiperskakels, is ingesluit.

- 30 -

Darlene Barriere Copyright 2006

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

IKEA prefold cloth diaper

How to turn a .49 cent IKEA kitchen towel into a fabulous, loving Snappi, pre fold cloth diaper! Dare you not to tell me, starting a cloth diaper stash is too expensive! Start with this idea and add Breeders diapers, how to save money. We want healthier babies with out breaking the piggy bank. You can do it, Green Mommy! Learn how you put the diaper on a baby in 30 seconds!

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Friday, June 10, 2011

Holocaust Survivor Testimony: Eline Hoekstra Dresden

Eline Hoekstra Dresden visited Loretta Goldy's history course at Portland Community College to 18 May 2010 to talk about her experiences as a survivor of the Holocaust. She was accompanied by her daughter, Deb Mrowka.

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Friday, June 3, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

Do not Laugh! :)) Video 4 of 15 ArmindaHeart's 15 video challenge! I tag you all! If you want to be a part of this challenge, please leave your videos as video responses to Armida's:: Original Video) 15 Video Challenge Issues 1 Listen you 2 your music library Make-up and / or hair-Tutorial 3rd "Outing" Video 4 Your Guilty Pleasure (DONE) 5 Describe your personality sixth in 60 seconds Sing or lip sync or dance to a favorite song from you - movie is, of course! 7. Thoughts onGhosts / spirits 8th What are you good? 9. Her "phobia" 10 Read / act a passage from a favorite book / poem 11th Your Top 10 Hollywood beauties, 5 men and 5 women (try to enter their pictures up, so we can see!) 12 Thrift store haul (show us what you bought at a thrift store) 13 Describe love what is 14 Top 10 Favorite Film 15 Where were you 10 years ago? Post a picture this year.

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